Confused at the numerous references to secret organizations, poorly structured time jumps, and complete lack of citations, local APUSH teacher Ms. Baum reported that she was starting to believe that 10th grader Greg Lafferty’s history essay was based entirely on information from popular video game series Assassin’s Creed.
“I’ve read a lot of crazy APUSH essays. If I had to pick the most insane I’d say they were aliens getting Andrew Jackson elected, freemasons causing the Pullman strike, and Ronald Reagan having a positive effect on society,” Ms. Baum told Snitch Reporters during an exclusive interview. She continued:
“But I must admit that this is the first one where British encroachments on Native American territories were caused by a shadowy organization looking for an ancient artifact that would help them control the world. I expect this kind of thing from the Honors students, but in AP? Unbelievable! Greg also seems to be altering the traditional essay structure by writing every other paragraph in the present day.”
This revelation shatters the widely used argument for parents that Assassin’s Creed games are “basically history, Mom! It’ll teach me stuff!! It’s more of an educational tool than a video game.”
At press time Ms. Baum had given Lafferty's essay a C+, commending the narrative and gameplay but deriding the “incomprehensible nonsense” about the Isu.