The original Snitch website is now archived. You can find all new Snitch articles here.

Thank You For Your Viewership

The Snitch Team • Apr 1, 2022 Thumbnail for "Thank You For Your Viewership"

It is with great regret that we inform you of The Snitch’s current situation. For the past two months, we have been unable to pay our website dues, and our domain will be up for sale at the end of April. It’s been a wild journey, and we know losing The Snitch will leave an all-consuming void in all your hearts, as well as ours.

With that in mind, we would like to leave our last mark on the internet with some advice on how to proceed with the spring. Enjoy.

  1. Avoid pollen for a while if you’re allergic to it — Managing Editor Hudson Yon
  2. Picnic! — Co-Editor in Chief Caleb Levy
  3. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and clean up after yourself — Co-Editor in Chief Auguste Rame
  4. Immerse yourself in a new hobby, any hobby — Head Writer Benjy Eichner
  5. Look at all of the birds — Senior Writer Wren Beuhler
  6. Find friends who will build you up — Writer Nicholas Daum
  7. Obliterate any chametz in your house to prepare for Passover— Writer Laurel Kane
  8. Obtain the bread (you know, the money kind) — Editor Evan Song
  9. Land that dream internship or that promotion — Writer Bruno Chong
  10. Spend lots of time outdoors with friends and family — Writer Curran Holden

Thank you for reading and remember, Democracy Bumps into Things in Darkness.
