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QUIZ: Which Snitch Staff Member Are You?

The Snitch Team • Dec 21, 2020 Thumbnail for "QUIZ: Which Snitch Staff Member Are You?"

Which Snitch staff member are you? Find out with this awesome quiz from The Snitch!

What would you talk about so much that all the other Snitch staff members would start to resent you?

B Model UN
C The problems with other people’s articles
D Tech
E Musical theatre
F British soccer

Every member of the Snitch staff has a deep dark insecurity that would take a psychiatrist years to uncover! Which one of these sounds most like you?

A Why would I tell you?
B Resembling Boris Johnson
C Facial hair
D Dependency on Wildhorn songs
E Sense of humor
F Chin

Now you’re starting to think like a Snitch staff member. Along with being annoying and insecure, most staff members also like long futile arguments that end in everyone losing! Which one of these things would you be so stubborn about disagreeing with, that you would bring Snitch productivity grinding to a halt just to keep fighting?

A The phrasing of a headline
B Fighting for The Snitch podcast
C Internal consistency
D Everything Benjy says
E Being on Not BCC-TV
F Semantics… lots of semantics

No one at The Snitch is good at what they do! Which one of these reasons for that sounds most like you?

A Works on ten useless projects instead of one important one
B Is super cryptic (to cover for not actually knowing grammar)
C Bcuz ur not funny and dont take time to do thigns
D Not being able to finish a sentence without - CAMELOOOOOOOOOOT
E Only cares about getting into college
F Spends way too much time reading fan fiction

The Snitch staff is always trying to augment their horrible personalities with fashion! Which one of these would you wear to distract from your innate unlikeability?!?!

A Sport coat
B Monocle
C Neon green fedora
D Wearing the men’s J. Crew catalog
E Béret, n’est ce pas
F “What’s fashion?”

Most of the actual slacking off in The Snitch takes place over Discord (see contact page). Which of these online slang terms would you use the most while on our discord server?

A lol
C Bravo good chap!
D What’s Discord?
F Fat Pog

Uh oh! You’ve deleted The Snitch’s website! Which of these answers seems most like the one you would give?

A The middle step was important, wasn’t it?
B We have a website?
C I’m just working on a seven month redesign, it needed a fresh start
D Well why don’t we just go to podcast form?
E Press Ctrl+Z
F Where’d it go?! Oh god! All I did was add a semicolon!

Despite The Snitch’s high ethical standards, every now and then one of our members gets hauled in by various federal agencies for crimes that are almost never proven. It’s 1 a.m. and the G-Men have just kicked down your door and charged you with what?

A Using copyrighted images for Snitch articles
B Sabotage and espionage
C Embezzlement
D Dropping a chandelier on people
E Costing MCPS $500,000 in server fees
F Attempted murder of Dale

You’ve just caught someone trying to hack into The Snitch website (actually happened). It’s time to give a supervillain type monologue to the attempted hacker. What is your speech?

A You’re not good with speeches so you kind of trail off halfway through and then leave
B Mocking them for using a WordPress exploit when we’re not even running a WordPress site
C A jumbled monstrosity of pop culture references that only you understand
D I say you there! Hands off that sword! Put down that book!
E Good! You can be the site pet :)
F A long rambling thematic soliloquy with a ton of Shakespearean and philosophical references

We’re out of articles and you have to write one really quickly! You know it’s terrible but you need to make a cheap joke. Which of these hackneyed ideas do you use?

A Knock knock
B Rickroll!!!! Lolllllll
C 69 ;)
D Caleb gets injured
E Bold of you to assume not all of what I write is cheap jokes
F I say dear old chap, a joke about the British Empire!

You’ve just heard a truly awful article idea. You can’t let this one get written or it might single handedly bring down The Snitch. How do you tell the person their idea is terrible?

A In obscure showtunes
B Brutal honesty
C Never tell them, leave the article editing for three weeks then quietly delete it
D Hope someone else does it
E @Dale
F “Hmm, interesting...”

Are you a control freak?

A Yes
B Yes
C Yes
D Yes
E Yes
F Yes

You're []


Dale Bell
Auguste Rame
Caleb Levy
Benjy Eichner
Bill Angell
Liv Dentoni
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